I knew it seemed impossible to me to write in the traditional forms. They seemed to have no access to what we experienced. If we enclosed that in characters, personalities, a plot, we were overlooking everything that our senses were perceiving, which is what interested me. One had to take hold of the instant, by enlarging it, developing it. That’s what I tried to do in Tropisms.
I knew it seemed impossible to me to write in the traditional forms. They seemed to have no access to what we experienced. If we enclosed that in characters, personalities, a plot, we were overlooking everything that our senses were perceiving, which is what interested me. One had to take hold of the instant, by enlarging it, developing it. That’s what I tried to do in Tropisms.
- Tropismes
Portrait d’un inconnu
L'Ère du soupçon
Le Planetarium
Les Fruits d'or
Le Silence
Le Mensonge
Entre la vie et la mort
Isma, ou ce qui s’appelle rien
Vous les entendez ?
- C’est beau
«disent les imbéciles»
Elle est là
L’Usage de la parole
Pour un oui ou pour un non
Tu ne t’aimes pas
- Lecture